The first volume of Karl Marx’s greatest work Das kapital was published in 1887. The next two volumes were published posthumously. Who edited those volumes?
(a) Adam Smith
(b) Thomas Malthus
(c) Friendrich Engles-✔️
(d) Josphe Stalin
The branch of economics concerned with how businesses raise and spend their money is known as
(a) Econometrics
(b) Finance
(c) Macroeconomics
(d) Corporate Finance-✔️
The branch of economics concerned with providing funds to individuals, business and governments is called:
(a) Econometrics
(b) Microeconomics
(c) Macroeconomics
(d) Finance-✔️
The fusion of two or more separate companies into one is referred to as:
(a) Alliance
(b) Merger-✔️
(c) Separation
(d) Disintegration
Legislation prohibiting the paying of wages below some specified level is known as
(a) Standard Wage
(b) Minimum Wage-✔️
(c) Maximum Wage
(d) Optimum Wage
The market economy in which both private and public enterprises participate in economic activity is called:
(a) Mixed Economy-✔️
(b) Open Economy
(c) Closed Economy
(d) All of the above
The theory of macroeconomics which holds that increases in the money supply are a necessary and sufficient condition for inflation, is called
(a) Capitalism
(b) Sociahsm
(c) Monetarism-✔️
(d) Communism
The functions of sales, distribution, advertising and sales promotion, product planning and market research are termed as:
(a) Finance
(b) Marketing-✔️
(c) Business
(d) All of the above
European Recovery Program (ERP) was a United States program of financial assistance that helped to rebuild European nations devastated by World War II. This program is commonly called
(a) George Plan
(b) Catlett Plan
(c) Marshall Plan-✔️
(d) Colombo Plan
An early modern European economic theory that trade generates wealth of bullion which a government should encourage by promoting exports and restricting imports is called:
(a) Imperialism
(b) Colonialism
(c) Mercantilism-✔️
(d) Socialism
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