Everyday Science MCQs 4

Consider the following:
1. Camphor
2. Chicory
3. Vanilla
Which of the above is/are plant product(s)?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3-✔️

'Bottle neck inflation' means
(a) No rise in prices despite increase in aggregate demand
(b) Rise in prices without increase in the aggregate demand-✔️
(c) Decline in prices due to increase in aggregate demand
(d) None of these

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is used as a standard measure of .
(a) Oxygen level in forest system
(b) Oxygen level in animals
(c) Oxygen level in water system-✔️
(d) Oxygen level in atmosphere

An eclipse of the Sun takes place
(a) Once in every year
(b) When the moon is full
(c) When the moon passes between the sun and the earth-✔️
(d) When earth comes between the sun and the moon

Among the following, the richest source of protein is
(a) Ground Nut-✔️
(b) Rice
(c) Potato
(d) Apple

All electioneering campaigns during the time of elections are stopped.
(a) 48 hours before the appointed time of election results
(b) 48 hours before the actual poll
(c) 24 hours before the actual poll
(d) 36 hours before the actual poll-✔️

AIDS stands for
(a) Acquired Immune Disease Syndrome
(b) Acquired Immunity Deficient Syndrome
(c) Acquired Immune Deficiency-✔️
(d) Acquired Infection Deficiency Syndrome

Activity of brain is recorded by
(a) ECG
(b) EEG-✔️
(c) MET
(d) CT

Acquired Immune Deeiciency Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by
(a) bacterium
(b) protozoa
(c) fungus
(d) virus-✔️

A term associated with the comparison of processing speed is
(a) FFTS
(b) MPG
(c) MIPS-✔️
(d) CPS

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