Islamiat One Liner Past Papers PPSC Solved MCQs 2
Islamiat One Liner Past Papers Solved MCQs for various Govt. departments like PPSC, SPSC, NTS, PTS, OTS, STS, CSS, PMS, FPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, AJKPSC, COPMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS, NAVY, PAF, ARMY, POLICE etc.
- Prophet was buried in the hujra of Ayesha.
- Prophet was born in 1st Year of Elephant.
- Ambassadors sent to Arab& other countries in 7th Hijra.
- King of Iran tore away the message of Prophet.
- King of Byzantine in 7th Hijra was Hercules.
- After 6 years of the birth of Holy prophet Bibi Aamna died.
- After 8 years of the birth of Prophet Abdul Muttalib died.
- Holy Prophet demised at the age of 63.
- First Azan was called out in 1 A.H.
- Bahira Syrian Christian saint recognized prophet as last prophet.
- Harb-i-Fajjar was a war fought b/w Quraish and Bani Hawazin Prophet was of 15 years and participated in it.
- Prophet visited Taif in 10th Nabvi.
- Tribe of Taif was Saqaif.
- Prophet with Zaid bin Haris went Taif & stayed for 10 days.
- Bibi Amna suckled Prophet for 3 days.
- After 18 month at Madina of change of Qibla occurred.
- Old name of Zu Qiblatain is Banu Saleem.
- Cave of Hira is in Jabal-e-Noor Mountain.
- At Masjid Al Khaif (Mina) almost 70 prophets are buried.
- Month of migration was Rabiul Awal
- Qiblah now-a-days is called Khana-e-Kaba.
- Prophet addressed Khutba-e-Jum’aa for first time in 1st Hijra
- Year of Deputation is 9th Hijrah.
- Moawakhat (the brotherhood) took place in 2nd Hijra.
- Jehad was allowed in 2nd Hijrah.
- Ashaab-e-Sufah: Muhajirs who stayed near Masjid-e-Nabvi.
- Hurrirah means a cat.
- Bait-e-Rizwan took place in 6th Hijrah.
- Jewish tribe of Banu Nuzair expelled from Madina in 4th H.
- Bait-e-Rizwan is also known as Bait-e-Shajra made under Keekar tree.
- Companions of Prophet at Hudabiya were 1400.
- Prophet stayed at Makkah for 15 days after its conquest.
- 1 Lac companions accompanied Prophet at last Hajj.
- Prophet spent his last days in Ayesha’s house.
- Cave of Soar is located near Makkah 5 miles.
- Quba is 3 miles away from Madina.
- In sixth year of Hijrah, Prophet intended for Umrah.
- Prophet stayed in Ayyub Ansari’s house for 7 months.
- Prophet performed Umrah in 7th A.H.
- Zaid Bin Haris (R.A) was the adopted son of the Holy Prophet.
- Year 570 known as year of Elephant or Amal Fil.
- Hazrat Khadija and Hazrat Abu Talib died in 619.
- First place from where Prophet openly started his preaching Jabl Faran or Mount Safa.
- Prophet did covert messaging at House of Arkam upto 3 Nabvi. (i.e for 3 years)
- Prophet preached openly in 4th Nabvi.
- Prophet narrated the event of Miraj first of all to Umm-e-Hani (real sister of Ali)
- Prophet was staying at the house of Umme-e-Hani on the night of Miraj.
- In miraj Prophet traveled from Baitul Muqadas to Sidratul Mantaha.
- During Hijrat Saraqa bin Sajjal spied.
- In Miraj Jibrael called Aazan in Baitul Muqadas.
- Prophet led all the prophets in a prayer in miraj at al-Aqsa
- Fatima died after 6 Months (age=31,11 A.H) Prophet.
- Youngest daughter Fatima.
- Islamic official seal started on 1st Muharram, 7 A.H
- Seal of Prophet was made of Silver.
- What was written on the Holy Prophet (SAW) seal?
- Prophet performed 1(in10 A.H) Hajj and 4(in7 A.H) umras.
- Change of Qibla occurred on 15 Shaban,2 A.H(Monday)(during Zuhr)
- Construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi started Rabiulawal, 1 A.H.
- Namaz-e-Juma became Farz in Medina.
- First man to embrace Islam on the eve of Fatah-e-Makka was Abu Sufyan.
- First to migrate to Madina (first muhajir) Abu Salam.
- Last to migrate to Madina was Abbas.
- First non-arab to embrace Islam Farwah bin Umro
- Facsimile of the Prophet Mus’ab bin Umair.
- Kalsoom bin al_Hadam gave land for Quba mosque
- The title of ammenul ummat is of Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah.(conqurer of Damascus)
- The day when Prophet delivered his last Khutab was Juma.
- Idols in Kaba before Islam numbered 360.
- The largest idol named Habal.
- Bilal called first aazan of Fajr prayer.
- The Hadith, which is transmitted with continuity and enjoys such abundance of narrators that their statement becomes authentic, is called Matwatar.
- The grave of the Prophet was prepared by Hazrat Abu Talha
- Qasim was first of the Holy Prophet's children to be born.
- The first Namaz-e-Janazah performed by Rasoolullah was that of Asad bin Zaraara (radi Allahu anhu).
- The first Namaaz to be made Fardh was Tahajjud Namaaz, which was later made Nafil.
- At Masjid-e-Nabvi first Muslim University was established.
- Holy prophet labored in the formation of Masjid-e-Quba.
- Masjid-e-Zarar was built by Hyporcrites at Madina.
- 25 Doors are in Masjid –e-Haram, the most important door of Kaaba is Babul Salam.
- The flag colour of the Holy Prophet was white and yellow at the time of conquest of Makkah.
- Friday is known as Sayeed Ul Ayam.
- Shab-e-Barat is celebrated on the 15th night of Shuban.
- The camel driver of Prophet at the fall of Mecca was Usama bin Zaid bin Haris.
- Prophet issued order of killing Abdul Uza bin Khatal at the fall of Mecca.
- At Koh-e-Safa, Prophet addressed after conquest of Makkah.
- Zainab bint Khazeema is known as Ummal Masakeen.
- Abu Bakar gave the collection of Quran to Hazrat Hafsa.
- Khadija died on the tenth of Ramadan 10 Nabvi.
- Khadija was buried in Hujun above Makka
- In the Cottage of Hazrat Ayesha, prophet spent his last days.
- Khadija died at 65 years age.
- Last wife of Prophet Um Maimoona.
- Khadija belonged to the tribe of Banu Asad.
- First woman to lead an Islamic army Ayesha (Jange Jamal)
- Ayesha narrated maximum number of ahadith.
- The second wife named Sauda.
- Zainub bint Jaish (Surah Ahzab) was married to the Prophet though Allah’s revelation or will.
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