Glands and Secetions In Human Body Everyday Science One Liner MCQs
Glands and Secetions In Human Body Everyday Science One Liner MCQs, Everyday Science, MCQs,
Glands and Secetions In Human Body Everyday Science One Liner MCQs
Blood clotting factor is produced by Liver
Chemical factory of human body is liver
Urea is produces in liver
Maximum quantity of water is in eyes
Largest secretary gland is Liver
Insulin is produced by pancreas, Insulin is a protein which acts as a hormone
Amino acids are a product of the digestion of proteins.
Ptyalin is starch digesting enzyme.
Bile secretion does not contain enzymes.
Pepsin, a digestive enzyme is produced in stomach.
The hormone secreted by adrenal cortex : aldosterone
The organ in (the human body which is responsible for the digestion of protein only -Stomach
Ptyalin is present in the saliva.
Glycogen is mainly stored in Liver and muscles.
Pepsin converts protein into peptides in acid media.
Trypsin is an enzyme produced by pancreas
Starch is digested by Ptylin
Gall bladder stores bile from liver and releases it into small intestine after food is consumed
Pancreas is both endo- and exocrine gland
Harmones secreted by kidneys are Renin and Erythroprotein
Lachrymal glands give out tears
Sweat glands give out sweat
Salivary glands give out saliva, Saliva contains Amylases
Ptyalin is the enzyme of Saliva
Liver converts excessive protein into urea.
Amino acids are a product of the digestion of proteins.
Ptyalin is starch digesting enzyme.
Bile secretion does not contain enzymes.
Enzymes found in saliva are ptyalin.
Lachrymal gland is a ductless gland.
Insulin : Pancreas
Thyroxin : Thyroid
Adrenaline ; Adrenal medulla
Estrogen : Ovaries
Testosterone : Testes
Cortisol; Adrenal cortex
In the body luteinizing hormone is produced by what glandPituitary
Mammary gland give out milk
Liver gives out bile
Sebaceous gland give out sebum
Exocrine glands transmit secretions through ducts
Enzymes are protein in nature
Hydrolysis of starch gives glucose and fructose
Fat digested by Lipase
Starch is a polymer of glucose
Endocrine glands: Pituitary is in brain and it controls general body growth.
Thyroid gland produces Thyroxin and it increases rate of cellular metabolism,
Pancreas produce insulin which metabolizes sugar and fats
Adrenal gland produce cartosol, Testosterone is produced by Tests and ovaries produce Progesterone
Pituitary: Controls activity of thyroid, adrenal and reproductive glands. Other hormones stimulate the womb to contract during birth, and stimulate milk production after a baby is born.
Thyroid: Thyroxin controls the rate at which we grow, and how fast food is converted to energy in our cells.
Adrenal Glands: Adrenaline speeds up the heart and breathing, causes sweating and diverts blood to the muscles, in response to an emergency.
Cortisone helps fight stress and shock.
Aldosterone helps regulate water and salt in the body.
Pancreas: Insulin controls the body’s use of glucose.
Ovaries: Estrogens and progesterone control female appearance and the release of eggs, and prepare the body for pregnancy.
Testes: Testosterone controls the development of male appearance and the production of sperm cells.
Protein which acts as hormone is Oxatocin
Hormones are made in glands known as endocrine glands which pour them straight into the blood. Hormones are not released all the time they are produced in short bursts.
Pituitary gland attached to the underside of brain releases hormones that control the activity of other endocrine glands. It produces hormone that controls the amount of water filtered in the kidneys. Pituitary is attached to the brain by the hypothalamus which links together the nervous system and the hormonal system
Excessive secretion from the pituitary gland in children results in increased height
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