Miscellaneous General Knowledge One Liner MCQs 5
General Knowledge, MCQs, Miscellaneous General Knowledge One Liner MCQs 5
Miscellaneous General Knowledge One Liner MCQs 5
- What was invented by Dr Albert Southwick in 1881: Electric chair
- Where would you find line of Mars - Girdle of Venus: Palm - lines in Palmistry
- What do Ombrophobes fear: Rain
- Who landed on Timor Island after being cast adrift: Captain Bligh
- A C-Curity was the original name of what common object: Zip Fastener
- What does ludo mean (literally): I Play
- An elephant has 400000 what in its trunk: Muscles
- What colour is cerulean: Deep Blue
- What does Zip stand for in the American Zip Code: Zone Improvement Plan
- Percy Shaw invented what in 1934: Cats eyes
- Which acid was first prepared from distilled red ants: Formic acid
- Milton lost which sense: Sight
- Eiffel designed the Eiffel tower - what was his first name: Gustave
- The Koh-i-Nor is a famous diamond - what does the name mean: Mountain of Light
- What was Britain's first colony (annexed in 1583): Newfoundland
- A skulk is a group of which animals: Foxes
- Who was the Goddess of the rainbow: Iris
- Who was the first actor to appear on cover of Time magazine: Charlie Chaplin
- In which country did the turnip originate: Greece
- Which animals can live longest without water: Rats
- Which fruit contains the most protein: Avocado
- In sailing ship days who often acted as the ships doctor: Cook
- A muster is a group of which birds: Peacocks
- Which country grew the first Orange: China
- Gossima was the original name of what game: Table Tennis
- A kindle is the name for a group of what young animals: Kittens
- Minerva is the Goddess of what: Wisdom
- One person every 6 seconds dies from what: Contaminated water diseases
- The length of what is approximately 1/10th circumference of earth: Great wall of China
- USA has most airports which country has second most: Australia
- In 1829 Walter Hunt invented what common item: Safety Pin
- Who invented punched cards used in early computing 1880s: Herman Hollerith
- 1500 paces was what Roman measurement: League
- Who gave the UN the land in NY to build their HQ: John D Rockerfeller
- Which writer coined the word Cyberspace in 1984: William Gibson –Neuromancer
- What is the oldest known infectious disease: Leprosy
- What was invented in 1855 45 years later than it was needed: Can Opener
- Chogori is better know by what boring name: K2
- Which country has the worlds biggest (on land) National Park: Canada – Wood Buffalo 17300s ml
- What was Edison’s first practical invention: Tick a Tape for stockmarket
- Which company invented the transistor radio in 1952: Sony
- What metal impurity makes rubies red and emeralds green: Chromium
- What is dittology: Double meaning
- Which country invented the mariners compass: China
- How was Alexander the Greats body preserved: In large jar of honey
- What was invented 1903 - patented 1906 G C Beilder: Photocopier
- What country consumes the most coal each year: China
- What does soviet mean: Workers Council
- In which city is the worlds oldest museum - Ashmolian 1679: Oxford
- To what family does the hippopotamus belong: Pig
- In which city is the worlds oldest tennis court from 1496: Paris
- Who said Politics is the art of the possible 11 Aug 1867: Otto Von Bismarck
- In which country did Turkeys originate: USA
- What colour is worn for funerals in Egypt: Yellow
- An Arab horse has less what than other horses: Bones - one vertebra less
- In what country did red onions originate: Italy
- What job did Ernest Hemmingway do in WW1: Ambulance Driver
- What was the name of the Roman God of sleep-Somnos
- What is the name of the four holy books of the Hindus-The Vedas
- What animal always gives birth to same sex twins-Armadillo
- What colour is named after a battle fought in Italy in 1859-Magenta
- What does the name Ghengis Khan mean-Very Mighty Ruler
- What is the most common disease in the world-Dental Caries
- Which country was the first to make seat belts compulsory-Czechoslovakia
- A young what is called an Eyas-Hawk
- In a Gynocracy - who rules- Women
- What type of animal is a markhor-Wild Goat
- What is the last book of the Bible-Revelations
- What historical event was referred to as Black 47-Irish Potato Famine
- Tempera uses water and what to paint with- Egg Yoke
- Which company developed the Laser Printer -Cannon
- The name of which countries capital means good air-Argentina – Buenos Aires
- Which dictator preferred 50,000 rifles to 50,000 votes-Benito Mussolini
- What country was once named New France- Canada
- In which country were modern banknotes first used-Sweden
- What does the syrinx help a bird to do-Sing
- What food item in French literally means twice cooked-Biscuit
- The Titanic has a sister ship - name it-The Olympic
- Halcyon is the poetic name for which bird-Kingfisher
- Which country invented French fried potatoes-Belgium
- The word bungalow comes from which language-Hindi
- What is the Japanese Shinkasen-High speed Train
- What is a travelator-Horizontal Escalator
- Where was Napoleon born-Ajaccio -Corsican capitol
- In the wild what animal pollinates banana plants-Bats
- What colour is the Black Box carried in aircraft-Orange
- Allium Sativum is better known as what-Garlic
- What was Madam Curie's husbands name-Pierre
- The USA president lives in the White House - Who Blue House-President South Korea
- What does an aronophobe fear -Internet
- Which world famous landmark is found on Mount Lee? The Hollywood Sign
- The name of which Indian city means Village of Boiled Beans -Bangalore
- What county has its map on its flag-Cyprus
- Lucknow is a city in India - and what other country-Canada
- What invention was nicknamed the Noisy Serpent in 1902-Vacuum Cleaner
- What country has a regiment of bicycle mounted soldiers-Switzerland
- Which animal has legs but cant walk- Hummingbird
- In what city 1985 was the worlds first computer museum opened-Boston
- Skeleton is derived from Greek - what is its literal translation-Dried Up
- Edward Hunter USA Journalist invented what term Korean war-Brainwashing
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