Miscellaneous General Knowledge One Liner MCQs 9
General Knowledge, MCQs, Miscellaneous General Knowledge One Liner MCQs 9
Miscellaneous General Knowledge One Liner MCQs 9
- Kalhora rulers of Sindh were originally Hashmi Sayeds.
- Nubian Monuments are located in Egypt.
- Pakistan's largest oil fields are located in District Badin.
- The first American Astronaut to go into space was Allen Shepherd.
- Annual Census in Pakistan is carried out every 10th year.
- Shaheed Benazir Bhutto became first woman Prime Minister of Pakistan on December 2, 1988.
- The D-Day operation during IInd World War was launched on the coast of Normandy.
- Speed of sound in air is? 1200 KM/Hour
- How many planets are is solar system? 8
- Which cell does not have a nucleus? RBC
- Abusive Drug Which Cells Of Body Most Effected? Brain
- Crime rate is? 1,000 persons per year
- Who killed Abu-Jahal? Maaz & Mauz
- Pakistan Falls in? Golden Triangle
- Major export of Pakistan is? Cotton
- On US map Alaska State is on? Away from mainland
- British occupied Punjab?. 1849
- In English Dictionary Which Word Has Largest Words? S
- What are Capital goods? Goods used for further production
- Winter rains in Pakistan come from Mediterrenian Sea.
- Horse is the Chinese name given to the year 2000.
- Pollen is produced in a part of the flower called the Calyx.
- After drinking contaminated water you would be most apt to develop symptoms of ‘typhoid fever’.
- Panini was a great scholar of Sanskrit language.
- Hundred years war fought between France and Britain during 1338-1453.
- Wenceslas square is in Prague.
- The first Afro-Asian conference held in April 1955.
- Hot money is said for money which moves from one place to another to seek profit or high rate of interest.
- Eritrea gained independence on 24th May, 1993.
- Under an agreement with Italy, Vatican city came into being as a sovereign state on 11th February, 1929.
- Charles K Rhodes developed an X-Ray emitting laser in 1990.
- Son meter is an instrument used to study the behavior of vibrating string.
- Liver receives blood from the alimentary canal through hepatic portal vein.
- At the equator, the equation of the day is 12 hours.
- Singapore city is known as ‘lion city’.
- The instrument used for measuring the velocity of wind is known as anemometer.
- The chemical name of baking soda is sodium bicarbonate.
- Pharaoh is the title of the king of ancient Egypt. They ruled Egypt for 25 centuries.
- National Institute of Oceanography Karachi was established in 1983.
- Lord Chesterfield quoted ‘idleness is only the refuge of weak minds’.
- Dr.Abdussalam was awarded Nobel Prize in 1979.
- The largest city of South Africa is Cape Town.
- Two boundary commissions were appointed to demarcate the boundaries between two new states, Pakistan and India.
- After joining congress, Muslim League joined the interim government in October 1946.
- NPT came into force on 1970.
- The Bofors scandal occurred in India.
- Czar is the title used by the ruler of Russia from 1547 to 1721.
- Gorgon is a terrible monster of Greek mythology.
- Flying foxes are tropical foxes that can fly.
- The reduction or elimination of inflation is called creeping inflation.
- Canada is a leading producer of wood pulp in the world.
- London carnival was first started in 1964.
- Indira Gandhi was the famous PM who first used the popular slogan ‘gharibi hatao’.
- The successful cloning of a sheep was reported by scientist from Roslin Institute Edinburgh (UK) in 1998.
- The new name of Yalamlam is As-Sadiya.
- Czar title was used by the rulers of Russia from 1547 to 1721.
- Gulf Stream is an ocean current named after the Gulf of Mexico.
- Gorgon is a terrible monster of Greek mythology.
- A pair of scissors is an example of a lever.
- Pair of doors belongs to the second class of lever.
- During the winter months 90% of fallen leaves are taken underground by earth worm.
- Dick Turpin was a highway man.
- Jamaica was granted full independence on 6th August, 1962.
- Four US presidents are so far assassinated.
- Sinai Peninsula was vacated and returned to Egypt in 1982.
- Incident ‘Boston Tea Party’ took place in America.
- Initially, Arab league has seven countries.
- Nixon Doctrine was outlined in July 1969.
- King of Malaysia is the only king in the world who is elected for 5 years term.
- Timbola is a kind of lottery.
- The maximum limit of sound beyond which a person can become deaf is 129 lbs.
- Dr. James Watson discovered the structure of DNA in 1953.
- Sir William Howard Russell was the first Great War correspondent.
- A meteorological term for a high pressure is called anticyclone.
- Zenda vesta is a holy book of parsis.
- Islamic summit Minar is erected in Lahore.
- Privatization program began in Pakistan is 1991.
- National anthem of Pakistan was played for the first time on August 13, 1954.
- Spirograph is an apparatus used for recording the movement of the lungs.
- Chomas festival is held in Kalash valley near Chitral.
- Docking means rendezvous and link up of spacecraft.
- Defense day is celebrated in Pakistan since 1966.
- Name of a famous mosque in Beijing is Niujie Mosque.
- Flag flown at half mast means national mourning.
- Maginot line divides France from Germany.
- Declaration of human rights was adopted on 10th December, 1984.
- Olive branch is a sign of peace.
- Cox orange pippen is a biological name of an apple.
- Christopher Wren designed St. Paul’s cathedral in London.
- Afghanistan was known as Ariana.
- Anundsen discovered South Pole in December 14, 1911.
- The first European scientist, who refuted the belief that the earth was the centre of the universe, was Copernicus.
- The hundred year war actually lasted for 114 years.
- Lenin was the founder of the Russian socialist state.
- Prior to independence, Ghana was called ‘Gold Coast’.
- Tanzania was formed by the unification of two countries, Tanganyika and Zanzibar.
- The first atomic power station of Pakistan was installed in Karachi.
- Star fish is not a star fish but a spiny-skin (Echinodermata) marine animal.
- 760 miles/hr is the speed of sound.
- 1480, 00,000 km is the distance from sun to earth.
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